In Florence, genuine leather was the cultural product that spoke to me the most. Street carts and stores lined the busy streets selling leather bags, belts, and coats just about anywhere you go, but I was interested in purchasing genuine Florentine leather because of its high quality and durability. As a tourist, it was difficult to tell the difference between who was selling leather that was synthetic vs. genuine until one of the stops on our tour, where we were shown a demonstration of how genuine leather products were made and showcased the care and detail of their process. At Leonardo Leather and Gold shop, the passion and skill for leatherwork have been passed down for generations and they still use traditional methods of handcrafting leather goods as well as incorporating some modern methods. Immense care is invested into the molding, carving, sewing, and stamping processes so that the quality of each piece lasts.
Translation: "True leather made in Italy Florence" |
To me, the dedication to the craft increases the value of the product and I went home with a personalized leather bag knowing that it would last a lifetime. And while Italy is a top exporter of quality leather products to other parts of the world and is therefore accessible outside of the city, I believe that the experience that came with learning about and selecting a genuine product added to its cultural value and I am excited to be able to carry a piece of Florence’s history and culture with me whenever I use my bag.
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